Saturday 30 May 2009

The Jane Austen Sequel Challenge

There are so many Jane Austen sequels and related books out there nowadays that its almost a gigantic task to try to read them all. While that may be a difficult and time consuming goal the fact is that we can't resist reading every one of them that comes our way.

Recently we decided to list all such books published till now (if you of any that we haven't listed please let us know) and check the one's we read. The problem with such lists is that we always end up adding some to the wish list and TBR pile.

That's how the idea for this challenge came up, it's an ongoing (and possibly eternal) challenge but in the future we plan to read as many of these books that come our way as possible.

Everyone is welcome to join us either by reading them too or just chatting about them. We think it will be fun!

Post Your Reviews Here...

Please share your reviews with us by using Mr. Linky below. We want to have them at hand so all of us can search for more books to add to our never ending piles. Have fun!